Some code with side comments
Here is the input file sidecmt.t
my $lines = 0; # checksum: #lines
my $bytes = 0; # checksum: #bytes
my $sum = 0; # checksum: system V sum
my $patchdata = 0; # saw patch data
my $pos = 0; # start of patch data
my $endkit = 0; # saw end of kit
my $fail = 0; # failed
The command perltidy sidecmt.t
produces a file
named sidecmt.t.tdy
with this result:
my $lines = 0; # checksum: #lines
my $bytes = 0; # checksum: #bytes
my $sum = 0; # checksum: system V sum
my $patchdata = 0; # saw patch data
my $pos = 0; # start of patch data
my $endkit = 0; # saw end of kit
my $fail = 0; # failed
This example shows how perltidy lines up equals signs and side comments.