Perltidy open BUGS and LIMITATIONS

This file only lists open bugs. For bugs which have been fixed, see the ChangeLog.

The Pod:Html module has some bugs

Perltidy uses the module Pod::Html, and for the most part it works very well and is very convenient because it part of the standard Perl distribution. But for example the following line

=item B<< <Deck> = Session->new_cflt_deck; >>

which uses double brackets to contain single brackets does not render correctly.

Perltidy does not look for here-document targets inside of quoted strings

For example, consider the following script

print "${ \<<END1 }${ \<<END2 }"; Hello END1 World END2

Perltidy will not look for the here-doc targets within the quotes, so it will not format the script correctly.

Issues and Feature Requests

The most recent Issues and Feature requests can be seen at GitHub